Sunday, October 7, 2012

Time For Another Pub Crawl

OK folks, I know we all believe we are too old and too mature for this kind of stuff. Get over it!!! Every now and then we need to get out and have some fun. This was was a bit more fun than most but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it again.

Any thoughts on venues? Any thoughts on cities? There are lots of great places we could go. It has to give us the opportunity to spend quality time with each other and we have to get a lot more out of it than just a pub crawl. Granted, for me, a pub crawl can be enough but since we are going to put the time and effort into it. Let's get some more out of it.

I say we should do a couple of things:

1. Let's put lot's of thought into the venue.
2. Let's expand the participants - all of us know lot's of people who will significantly enhance the pub crawl experience.
3. Let's do it next year. This gives us a reasonable planning window.

For me George Street would be just fine and it adds a whole bunch of visiting opportunities. Many other venues come to mind. Let me know.

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