Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dublin Pub Crawl - Tuesday May 2

We had to make some choices today. We dragged our elderly father on a tour of Dublin Castle. You will notice me use the words "elderly father" quite a few times here. This is mainly for my benefit to remind me of his age and that dragging him through a series of pubs all day and night is not the best idea. Although the mind was willing:)

Dublin Castle offers a good 1 hour guided tour. I would not put it on a "must do" list if you visit, but it is worth a visit. The brief review of the history of the Castle along with some Irish history put many things in context for us. The walk to the hotel, the walk around the grounds at Dublin Castle and the return walk to the hotel turned into enough exercise for Dad for one morning. While he rested we decided to go exploring.

Further exploration took us to the other side of the River Liffey. There is a bustling and lively shopping area over there with generally lower prices for tourist type gifts. It also gave us a chance to view our side of the Liffey from the other side which allowed to spot a couple of pubs on our mandatory visit list. Not wanting to waste any time and recognizing we needed to pick up the pace we headed straight to Messrr's Maguires. This place was great. If it was not for the fact that we had such a large number of pubs to visit we would have stayed there for the day. Excellent decor with excellent pub surroundings. We tried a couple of house beer which also went down very nice. By then it was time to retrieve Dad and put the afternoon into full swing.

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