Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Guinness Storehouse

One of the highlights of our trip will be a visit to the Guinness Storehouse. It looks like 7 floors of a crash course in all things Guinness. We will learn about the history of the beer and how it is brewed. We will also learn how to pour a pint (and get a certificate I hope).

The faq says that the tour will take around 1.5 hours. I understand there is a bar and a restaurant in the facility so I don't see how we could possibly finish in less that 4 hours. I have no idea how much Guinness I have consumed in my lifetime however I truly believe the Storehouse should be able to recognize and acknowledge devoted patrons.

This is a day 1 or day 2 activity. It is one of those rare activities that might preclude us from visiting a pub on the way. Key word there is "might". We will be sure to get take lots of pictures so be sure to check back and see photographs us pouring the perfect pint.

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